Why it's actually cheaper to hire a Personal Trainer.

The Benefits Of  Personal Training

Hiring  a personal trainer can have many benefits that you might not expect. Wondering what makes 1 on 1 personal training so great? Let’s break down some of the different positives of hiring a personal trainer today.

  • Increases accountability

One of the most challenging parts about maintaining a workout routine can be just that — doing the workouts, and doing them consistently. If someone isn’t expecting you to meet them at the gym, you’re much more likely to skip out if you’d rather stay in bed or lounge on the couch instead. Working with a personal trainer will give you the nudge you need to get your workout in — whether in person or virtually — not only during your appointments but also hopefully several other times during the week. You may also find you work harder with a trainer by your side than you would if you went at it alone.  Ever heard the saying, “If you want to go far, go together?” There’s ample research to show that the more support someone has with their health and fitness goals, the more likely they are to succeed. In fact, one analysis of 11 years’ worth of studies looked at how well people stuck to their weight loss routines. It found that the more accountability people have, the more likely they were to stick to their weight loss program.

  • Education & Knowledge

When you go to the gym by yourself to workouts, copying other members or using YouTube videos, you are missing the opportunity to learn how workout are planned and executed properly. Having the right Personal Trainer  can help you choose the right workouts that suits your body type and lifestyle. You might not be reaching your fitness goals effectively, simply because you don’t have all the information you need. Education and guidance can also help you prevent injury. It’s easy to get seriously injured when you don’t know much about the exercise you’re doing, since you could be doing it wrong without realising it.

  • Get the Right Form

To get the maximum benefit from your workouts, you need the right form in other words the right posture. Unless you’re staring in a mirror during your entire workout, it’s hard to know if your form is correct  or not. And even with a mirror, there might be things that you miss out about your form. A personal trainer will help you correct your form as required and help you get the most from your exercises and workouts.

  • Tailored sessions and Workouts

Every person is unique, and you might have unique requirements or restrictions that only a personal trainer can effectively understand and help you with. For example, you might have a fear of using certain machines or equipment due to injuries or muscle weaknesses that your personal trainer can help you work around. Your personal trainer’s job is making training personal. That means taking into consideration all the things that make you unique, and designing the workout around that.

  • Set Goals Effectively

A personal trainer will help you set realistic, achievable goals and push you to reach them. On your own, it’s hard to know what goals are good for you. You may want to see progress right away, and get discouraged when you don’t. A personal trainer helps you make a plan that works for you and keeps you motivated to reach it. Your Personal Trainer have the knowledge and the expertise to help you realise what you need to do to reach your goals faster while avoiding injuries and keeping the sessions fun, so you avoid doing excess, ineffective workout.

  • Flexible schedule and format

You can meet with a personal trainer in person at a gym weekly, several times a week, or even monthly — whatever works best for you. Nowadays, virtual personal training is popular, too. In this format, you’ll work out at your home while you video conference with your trainer, who will guide you through the workout on your phone or laptop. Sessions typically range from 30–60 minutes and will cater to your personal goals. There’s a personal trainer for everyone, regardless of your physical abilities, level of experience, location, or budget.

  • You save money when you saveTime

You can end up wasting time working out on your own, either by doing ineffective workouts, not working out long enough, or even losing ground because of missing workouts and details that only a qualified Personal Trainer are able to spot and work with you on. Having a personal trainer this will never be an issue. You’ll know exactly what to do when to do it and in how much time you can do it in, taking exactly the amount of time you need to meet your goals.

If you’re interested in some benefits of personal training statistics then this section is for you. Research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning found that members who train with a Personal Trainer  achieve significantly greater fitness improvements than those who don’t…

  • Lean body mass – increased by an average of 1.3kg in personal training group versus zero in self-training.

  • Chest press strength (1RM) – increased by 42% in the PT group versus 19% in self-trained.

  • Leg press strength – improved by 38% in the PT group versus 25% in self-trained.

  • Leg power (vertical jump) – increased 6% in the PT group versus 0.6% in self-trained.

  • Aerobic capacity (VO2 max) – increased 7% in the PT group but decreased by 0.3% in self-trained.

Finally The benefits of 1 on 1 personal training can’t be denied. Although you may feel like you’re saving money by working without one, a personal trainer will help you stay efficient, motivated and focused, which actually saves you money in the long term. Don’t waste time and effort on expensive gym memberships or equipment without someone to train you to use it. Getting a personal trainer can make all the difference in reaching your fitness goals – get in touch today.


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